Doctor Who and The Armageddon Factor
Written by Terrance Dicks & Read by John Leeson – CD / Download (BBC Audio) The Key to Time season was an early experiment with a series arc in Doctor Who – six stories linked…
Written by Terrance Dicks & Read by John Leeson – CD / Download (BBC Audio) The Key to Time season was an early experiment with a series arc in Doctor Who – six stories linked…
Something about airports seems to make for very unusual, somehow disconnected Doctor Who stories. Of the two extant examples, The Faceless Ones is by far the better structured (the other of course being limp-celery end…
Among Doctor Who fans, Robots of Death is a perennial favourite for a whole host of reasons. The visuals are gorgeous: Robots with beautiful facemasks, quilted jackets, metal hands and waves of swept-back metal hair;…
Doctor Who: The Five Doctors – Written by Terrance Dicks. Read by Jon Culshaw & Nicholas Briggs – CD / Download (BBC Audio) In Doctor Who, when you get different incarnations of the Doctor together,…
For forty years a Yeti stood in a London museum, nothing more than a moth-eaten curiosity, gathering dust. That is until one day, without warning, it awoke and savagely murdered its ‘owner’, Professor Travers. At…
Since its inception, Doctor Who has often slipped in a subliminal moral message here and there, the odd political opinion now and then and a healthy dose of environmental awareness. Planet of Giants was probably…
Well, there\’s no mystery about this story. The Daleks have conquered the Earth, are reigning supreme, and are finally having their “day in the sun”. Until a small group of freedom fighters decide to throw…
The Doctor’s gone rogue! He’s declared himself President of the High council of Time Lords, betrayed his people, banished Leela to the wastelands of Gallifrey, and appears to be in league with a race of…
It’s not often that I find myself entering into heated debates about Doctor Who; as, being the modest chap that I am, I naturally assume I’m right and refuse to enter into any discussion that…