Articles by Tim Cundle

Edge of Venomverse

Edge of Venomverse – Matthew Rosenberg, Christopher Hastings, Simon Spurrier, Ryan Key, Clay McLeod Chapman, Roland Boschi, Irene Strychalski, Tigh Walker, Andre Lima Aravjo & James Stokoe (Panini / Marvel) How does that old saying…

Spider-Man: Daily Bugle – Paul Grist, Bill Rosemann, Zeb Wells, Tom Falco, Steven Grant, Karl Kerschel, Guy Davis, Dean Haspiel, Takeshi Miyazawa & Walter McDaniel &Co. (Marvel)

Ink gets in your blood. Spending endless hours in a newsroom, pouring over and panicking about deadlines while trying to conjure up another thousand lines or five column inches might sound like purgatory, but if…