Picture the scene. It’s 1989 and the collective members of Breakdown and Uppercut are attending NYU, and in between taking classes in Advanced Hardcore Ethics, Theory and History that are being taught by Paul Bearer, Anthony Comunale and Anthony Civarelli, they’re building a secret time machine under the guidance of visiting guest lecturer, Stephen Hawking. Then late one Friday night, while testing their machine, it feeds back, duplicates their psyche’s and sends them hurtling into the future, where they inhabit the bodies and minds of a group of youths from Long Island.
Those young men, possessed by the spirit of Hardcore, then banded together and formed Backtrack, a devastating, energy fuelled and fury driven HC powerhouse that flattens anyone and anything in its way. And Bad to My World is their latest destructive slab of raging, musical violence that wraps it’s hands around your neck and begins frantically shaking you as soon as the bass intro to opening track War kicks in and doesn’t stop throttling you until the closing chords of Sanity, the last song on the record, have faded out. Paul and the Anthony’s might not be teaching anymore, but Backtrack are. So grab a copy of Bad to My World; it’s time to get to class. School is in… Tim Cundle
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