Vision Of Disorder – Razed To The Ground (Candlelight)
Much like animals in nature, bands have to adapt to their changing environment, or face extinction. Unlike nature however, bands also have to try and maintain their musical integrity, in order to not entirely lose their fan-base. Vision Of Disorder does this remarkably well. Back in 1997 / 97 when I first came across the band they were a perfect example of the \’new school\’ hardcore, which delivered many great bands two decades ago. If VOD were to play that same brand of hardcore they\’d be easily overlooked in a time of louder-than-anyone-else metal. \’Razed To The Ground\’ fits 2015 perfectly, while maintaining that adventurous side this band is known and loved for. The songs are brutal and aim straight for the heart and intellect, trying to both move and teach. A perfect follow-up to \’The Cursed Remain Cursed\’, and another step forwards. Martijn Welzen
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