It’s 10am, the April sun is shining and Danny McCormack of The Wildhearts / The Main Grains is in jubilant spirits in Newcastle. He has every right to be, as 2018 is proving to be one hell of a rock ‘n’ year for the legendary four-stringer. As humble as ever, Danny took time to have a brief chat with Mass Movement’s Ginge Knievil. Roll up your t-shirts sleeves, slap on the suncream and enjoy!
Photo credit: Ginger Wildheart – “Four men who shouldn’t be alive, all alive and well.”
Interview by Ginge Knievil.
MM: Morning, Danny. How do we find you today?
DM: Absolutely great. Sun is out and I’ve got some great things coming up.
MM: Would that be anything to do with being back in The Wildhearts’ fold? That must feel fucking great.
DM: It is. It’s great to be back. We did a sold out show in Wakefield for Scott Sorry and it was a belter. The best gig I’ve been to all year. The crowd was unreal, it was. Great return for me.
MM: And the Britrock Must Be Destroyed tour with Reef and Terrorvision starts in a few weeks. Are your bags all packed?
DM: Not yet but I travel light! The tour coming up is gonna be great. I’m really looking forward to it. Then after that we are going to Australia and Japan.
MM: And the Monsters of Rock Cruise has just been announced. You’re off on a boat to Jamaica to sample the rum, eh? [laughs]
DM: Bring on the rum! I can’t believe that cruise is happening. The Wildhearts on a boat full of rockers? What could go wrong? [laughs].
MM: What do you mean? You’re all clean living boys, right?
DM: [laughs]
MM: The Rain Is Over Now single totally captured The Main Grains sonically, in my opinion. What’s the state of play with the band at the moment?
DM: I’ve just written a new song called Right Direction. I’ve got three or four more to get the album done. We’ve got a splattering of gigs coming up including Camden Rocks. That’s always a great day out.
MM: Ginger has mentioned on Twitter that songwriting for a new album by The Wildhearts has begun. Are you part of the forthcoming recordings?
DM: Yes. I’m looking forward to hearing this coming up record. What I’ve heard so far is great.
MM: Quick fire time before we go and sunbathe… Current favourite band?
DM: Cyanide Pills.
MM: Sunshine Girl or Miles Away Girl?
DM: You bastard! Miles Away Girl.
MM: You love me really! [laughs]
DM: [laughs]
MM: Thanks for chatting, Danny. It really is appreciated. The cheque’s in the post! The final words for Mass Movement are all yours. Go!
DM: Thanks to everyone that sends me wonderful messages, they really brighten up my day. Thanks to you for doing this interview, Ginge.
The “Britrock Must Be Destroyed” Tour starts on 4th May 2018 at Manchester Academy. Ticket info here
Check out The Main Grains here
Good call on Cyanide Pills, they’re amazing.