When the new Samiam album appeared a few months ago, that was almost guaranteed to be my favourite melodic punk/ hardcore album of the year, but this debut album from Sunderland’s Tearjerker has gone and knocked them off the top spot, I’ll be damned.
Being from Sunderland there is a liberal sprinkling of the guitar magic that you know from the likes of Leatherface or HDQ and the opening notes of the first song Done & Dusted have all the six-string hallmarks of their local luminaries. This superb opening track delivers a killer vocal line and chorus harmonies to die for, and that sets a very high bar for the rest of the album to follow. The good news is that they simply roll out hit after hit – there really isn’t a weak moment on the album.
The vocals are strong, with powerful harmonic lead vocals and those big choruses in all the right places. Teaser singles Done and Dusted and Love Being Alone give you a great flavour of the full album, but there are a few surprises here and there too. Album closer Heart Of Darkness sends shivers down my spine and as soon as the last notes fade away I’m reaching for the button to replay the album.
In fact, I am having to ration myself from playing this too often as I don’t want to overdo it, but it really is that good. If you’re even remotely fond of the likes of Samiam, Face To Face, Strung Out or HDQ then you really need to get a slice of Tearjerker in your life. Tom Chapman
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