Penguin Random House and Century have an exclusive Thrawn Insignia pin for everyone who pre-ordersThrawn: Alliances, so if you fancy getting your hands on one, you’d better put your order in today to ensure that you’re not disappointed! Pre-order your copy of Thrawn Alliances and then get your FREE Insignia pin here
Oh wait, did I say that pre-ordering Thrawn Alliances was the only way to get an Insignia pin? Silly me, there’s another way. See, the lovely people at PRH and Century are giving Mass Movement ONE copy of Thrawn Alliances and ONE Insignia pin to give away to the winner of our Thrawn competition.
You want them? Of course you do. So, to be in with a chance of winning both book and pin, all you have to do to enter the competition is answer the below question by email and send your entry, with “Thrawn” as the subject to prevent your mail ending up as spam, to info(at) .
Q. Which actor played, and was the voice of, Admiral Thrawn in Star Wars Rebels?
Don’t forget to include your postal / mailing address in your email or we won’t be able to send you your prize! One lucky Star Wars winner will be chosen at random on 26th July and will then be notified of their victory by email. May the Force be with you!
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