Our Lives in Music… The Parallax Method
Danny Beardsley – Guitar Venus Isle – Eric Johnson This album blew my mind. The melody, the tones, the sheer musical ability. I never get tired of this album! My obsession over guitar tone is…
Danny Beardsley – Guitar Venus Isle – Eric Johnson This album blew my mind. The melody, the tones, the sheer musical ability. I never get tired of this album! My obsession over guitar tone is…
Foo Fighters – There Is Nothing Left To Lose The first album that I truly listened too inside out, every day, for months. I played air drums/ guitar and pretended to sing alone in my…
Blood Sugar Sex Magic – Red Hot Chili Peppers. Karum: Need we go into why this is one of the greatest albums of all time? It’s probably RHCP’s most versatile record. It’s got the perfect…