Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt – J.M. DeMattesis, Eder Massias, Brent Peeples, Kyle Hotz, Marguerite Sauvage & Travel Foreman (Marvel)

“Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can…” Except he can’t because Peter Parker lost his powers in a laboratory accident and now he’s just a regular schlub like the rest of us. A regular schlub who packed up and moved to Portland with his heavily pregnant wife to try and live a ‘normal’ life. But nothing about Peter’s life has ever been normal, and trouble has a way of finding him wherever he goes, and this time that trouble comes in the form of Kraven’s long lost “ward”, Gregor, a man determined to avenge the death of the Hunter at the hands of ‘The Spider’ And that’s where the fun begins, puts the hammer down and doesn’t let up until the final panel.

DeMattesis’ uses what in the hand of another writer could have been a fairly straightforward tale of vengeance to tell a deeply involving and emotionally charged story that explores loss, love, the concept of identity, how it differs for everyone, and how each of us views the world through our own filtered version of reality. And its also a heart wrenching exploration of two men being forced to come to to terms with the limitations of a life less ordinary and the price that those who care most for them inevitably pay for their hubris.

The characterisation and dialogue are superb, the numerous sub plots weave in and out of the rocket powered central arc and the artwork, from beginning to end, is the sweetest tasting eye candy served up by the finest four colour dealers this side of heaven. The Lost Hunt is a visual treat layered on a rip roaring adventure that make even the most demanding web slinging fan grin from ear to ear… Tim Cundle

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