Hailing from Stockholm, Sweden, one can almost envisage the band’s sound before even hearing the first resonating notes of album opener Sirens. Thankfully Sorcerer do deliver a platter of superior doom(ish) soaked metal, and can be added to the list of quality acts emerging from that Scandinavian city. Heavy metal is Sorcerer’s main venture, but the etchings of a clean Candlemass do echo within the underlying tone of the albums entirety. Carefully structured verses along with tantalisingly great guitar solos keep the band above so many of the average offerings floating around the genre. With none of the tracks dipping below the six-minute mark (apart from the album opener, and two and a half minute gentle instrumental Nattvaka) each one creates a deep atmospheric feel mixing elements of power metal components generating a grandiose resonance. Here are eight tracks that keep the true spirit of metal a prominent source, and whatever the genre of your preference, The Crowning Of The Fire King is an album that should capture the attention of all who hear it. An album of epic proportions, so do not just write it off as another release. Mark Freebase
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