Thrashing, much like wrestling a Sasquatch or trying to determine the exact amount of electricity you need to pass through the human body in order to achieve a spontaneous erection, is an art form. It has its masters, its apprentices and its amateurs and each and every participating group of rabid, mosh happy monsters brings something new to the palate, adding their own individual identity to its broad, multi-coloured canvas. Municipal Waste in their near two decade career have become crossover adepts and thrash sensei’s, taking their crazed eighties infused, mixture of Sacrilege BC, Beyond Possession and DRI madness to the masses, and even though it’s been half a decade since their last album they’ve lost none of their aggression or energy, haven’t forgotten how to craft a humdinger of a tune and they haven’t lost their inherent ability to thrash like metal crazed, Hardcore maniacs. Slime and Punishment is the unadulterated, glorious sound of this Richmond wrecking machine doing what they do best. And that ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, is thrashing. It’s hard, it’s heavy, it’s fast and it’ll make you want to slam your brains out and dive off any high surface you can. Thrashing’s their business and business is most definitely fine. Welcome back boys, we’ve missed you… Tim Cundle
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