I imagine there’s a cupboard in the darkest corner of Leathers’ dingy rehearsal room. Within lies all the musical stuff that’s not really needed. Y’know – rack toms, fancy-schmancy guitar pedalboards, bass players – that sort of thing. Leathers don’t deal with such complexities and everything in their warped minds needs to be stripped back right to its dirty, rotten core.
Class Action continues where their debut EP left off. That is, four hypnotic, primitive takes of Cramps inspired rock ‘n’ roll; all built to shake your soul. Ed Calvert pounds the drums with bleeding knuckles whilst Chris Mitchard oozes vocal cool around jaunty, faff-free guitar riffage. You’d be forgiven for thinking the duo were bred in a Detroit garage and not the UK’s West Country. This is purposeful, simplistic punk rock blues with no bells or whistles. Leathers butcher off the fat and leave the good bits with Gold Digger leading the pack amid a trance-inducing beat.
You’d better hope your Walkman hasn’t seized because in Leathers’ world the C60 is still king. Christ, even dig out your ghetto blaster, loft it on your shoulder and annoy the stiffs in the shopping centre. You never know, Leathers might just get them moving. File Class Action under trash, gospel, garage rock blues and dig that groove, baby. Ginge Knievil
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