It can\’t be a coincidence that it feels like these young Germans have written the soundtrack to the Suicide Squad sequel. The entire album oozes that same cartoon-esque vibe of colourful violence, bizarre fashion and pure insanity. It\’s both sweeter and bloodier than Pink Lion and I would usually say it\’s more mature, but this band seem to be doing things in reverse order as they’re locked in a downward spiral towards a total meltdown of anything even vaguely resembling sanity. These are the sort of lads who take baseball bats to a prom, who start mosh pits at a wedding and who wear corpse paint to your grandma\’s birthday. Which, incidentally, will probably will be her last if they end up on the guest list. I can\’t really say this new record is any better than their last, it’s just different. It could, however, use a bit more balance in the dance parts to make it stand out more among its more sober metal-core peers, but at the end of the day it all works and it\’s all good. If you’re slightly, in a good way, mad that is…. Martijn Welzen
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