Punk rock, when it’s good, is timeless. It speaks to the inner rage, turmoil and anger that infects and infests every fibre of your being and provides an outlet to channel those emotions through. It helps you to realise that you’re not alone, that you’re not the only person to realise that global systems of government and control are a cancer controlled by corporations led by the rich in order to profit from the suffering and subjugation of the masses. And it helps that the music just happens to be pretty awesome too. Or at least, it is when it’s good. Which Eye Licker are. Combining the frantic delivery of eighties UK bands like Symbol of Freedom and Lord Crucifer with the energy of Los Crudos and the buzzsaw approach of early GBH with focussed drive of Crossover, Eye Licker are one of those bands that your parents warned you about. They’ve got the sort of tunes that get stuck in your head for hours on end and the sort of musical swagger and attitude that you just know means that if you catch them in a small, packed, sweaty club they’re going to be a blast. Vent your spleen and, just as Lewis Carrol’s infamous heroine chased a white rabbit into her passage to Wonderland, find your happy place by following Eye Licker down the rabbit hole… Tim Cundle
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