Clobber – Violent Back Beat Noise (Venn Records)

London’s finest finally get around to a physical release of their first two digital EPs (Tribal Rites of the New Friday Night & Yesterday’s Heroes, Tomorrow’s Snide) thanks to Venn records, and as an old timer who hates streaming media this is literally music to my ears. Having had the privilege of seeing Clobber live on numerous occasions it makes a change to hear these tracks without catching a facefull of Stella from singer Charlie’s mush!

Eight tracks of ferocious Oi tinged Hardcore with barely a pause for breath featuring topics that include Hardcore elitism on their traditional show opener Hardcore Hive Mind, conspiracy theory leaning bigots (Karens, Gammons, Hippies & Conspiracies) and police brutality on, for me, the standout track, Bully Boys with a breakdown that’ll make you want to set it orff. Top notch stuff from one of the best bands in the UK. Ian Pickens

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