I’m quite sure it wasn’t planned out this way, (unless of course Dark Horse were in on the whole thing-one for the conspiracy theorists) but Tomorrow, a comic book about a life-threatening virus, has landed smack bang in the middle of a real-world epidemic, namely the coronavirus. Coincidence? Probably, but if you’re more of a pandemic type of person, then look no further.
The species barrier has been breached. A plague like computer virus has mutated and has started to shut down humans from the brain and then through the organs. Anyone or anything connected to the internet is at risk. The story bounces between several groups of people but essentially the story becomes the plight of two main protagonists. Oscar Fuentes is a teenage boy, who is at constant odds with his emotions relying mainly on his twin sister for that side of things.
Finding himself inadvertently separated from her, he must find a coping mechanism as the pair are very rarely parted. Similarly, cyber security specialist Treavon Tracey works away from home and has to put the world’s issues to one side to find his family before it’s too late. The obvious political factors come into play with blame being placed squarely on the shoulders of the Russians, but there is a human element at play too as we witness the world burn around us as the virus spreads, giving the book a very Walking Dead type feel.
The book is in safe hands with former Batman writer Peter Milligan at the helm whilst the horror and grim reality of it all is brought into stunning being by Jesus Hervas. So while a real life virus makes its way around the world, wiping out all mankind as we know it, you may as well just kick back with a copy of Tomorrow because after all, you’ve got nothing to lose right? Chris Andrews
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