Benjamin Franklin was wrong. Death and taxes aren’t the only things that any of us can be certain of, and if, during his long and incredible life, he’d been able to spend any time slamming like a rabid gorilla after a meth binge in an old school circle pit while Pennywise were playing, he’d have amended his famous speech to include the Hermosa Beach punk rock veterans. And Never Gonna Die continues their legacy in faultless fashion. Exploding like a high speed freight train loaded with depleted uranium and TNT crashing into a munitions bunker, Never Gonna Die is the sound of Pennywise at their height of their powers, doing what they do best. That is, playing highly infectious, fast as hell, balls out, energetic punk rock that takes no prisoners, shows no mercy and expects no quarter, but at the same time offers a helping hand to the faithful everywhere by questioning the same things that we all do while extoling the virtues and joys of existence and reinforcing the notion that life is meant to be lived to the fullest. Never Gonna Die proves that Ben was wrong, and that there are three things that you can be certain of in life. Death, taxes and Pennywise. Tim Cundle
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