Stephen Paul Taylor, the self-styled Synth Pop Troubadour, came to my attention recently when the video for his song Everybody Knows Shit\’s Fucked went viral. I was immediately hooked even though synth pop isn\’t usually a genre I listen to. I bought some of his earlier albums while I waited for Synth Pop is Dead to be released. Once again, I surprised myself by enjoying these earlier songs as well. His music, even the slower emotional songs, have some quality that draws me in. I don\’t understand it, I just go with it.
Synth Pop is Dead is SPT at his absolute finest. The songs range from straight out \”fuck you\” to tragic relationships and many points in between. There\’s even a remake of his song Chill the Fuck Out (I actually like the original better but this new version is still awesome) which first appeared on 2017\’s Single and Seventeen. While these songs would have been right at home during the 80’s New Wave they\’re also pertinent to today\’s world. My favorite is GDMF (God Damn Mother Fuckers), maybe because of the profanity, maybe because of the anger put forth toward certain parts of society, maybe for reasons my subconscious brain has yet to process. I don\’t care, I just like it. Shit\’s fucked enough without me worrying about why I like Synth Pop is Dead even though it\’s far from the heavy metal music I usually enjoy. Synth pop is NOT dead and Stephen Paul Taylor is the reason why. Jim Dodge
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