Fee-Fi-Fo-Bound, Beggar smells the blood of the underground, be it alive or be it dead, Beggar will grind its bones to make their bread. Tearing their way through the rank and file of their contemporaries and smashing them aside with a battery of brutal, crushing and unforgiving riffs, an unrelenting, pounding rhythmic assault and vocals that’ll melt the seared flesh from a charred corpse at two hundred paces, Beggar are a slavering, unstoppable, blood thirsty, metal colossus.
Taking their cue from 16, Deviated Instinct, Grief, Pelican and St. Vitus, Beggar are a perpetual juggernaut that annihilates everything in its path with a tsunami of devastating sonic force. Compelled twists and alters your musical perspective as it rolls over and obliterates you and gradually infects and infests every atom and fibre of your being. It’s the epitome of pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, happiness and despair and it’ll lift you to the highest echelons of heaven before hurling you back to Earth as a broken and thoroughly satiated wreck. Compelled to Repeat has paved the path to madness; sweet, beautiful madness. Walk it wisely and walk it well… Tim Cundle
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