This is the debut EP from new band, featuring members of The Templars, Bovver Wonderland and The Hardknocks, so Oi Oi devotees will already be sitting up and paying close attention, especially considering that this has been deemed worthy enough to be released as a collaboration between four labels from different countries. What we have here are four tunes done in the classic US of Oi! style – that is to say plodding and mid-paced bruising tunes with the occasional blistering metal solo to pep things up. The vocals are gruff and hard as nails but carry a decent tune, with the gang vocals on the chorus assuring you that Vis Vires take no prisoners. So if you\’re a fan of the likes of Noi!se, Battle Ruins or Live By The Sword, do yourselves a favour and track down a copy of this EP, you won\’t be disappointed. Tom Chapman
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