“From out of left field’ is an old baseball expression which has gradually become part of the mainstream lexicon and while I’m pretty sure that most of you clued in, switched on cats already know what it means, for those of you who don’t, it’s a reference to something being unexpected or surprising. And that’s exactly what I Am Moron is. It’s both unexpected and surprising; in a really, really good, if somewhat odd, way.
A psychedelia fueled pop punk diatribe that rallies against the many faults and failing of modern society, I Am Moron, sonically rests somewhere between Hawkwind, The Slits, The Sonics and The White Stripes, while lyrically it draws from, and possesses, the same bile and venom that Billy Bragg utilises to such great effect. More akin, in spirit at least, to the fervour of the late sixties than the laconic populist ideals of the twenty first century, The Lovely Eggs are a breath of fresh punk rock air in an increasingly homogenised world. Can you dig it? Damn right you can. And damn right you will… Tim Cundle
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