Christos Gage

Incredibles 2 returns to Dark Horse…

From the creators of Disney/Pixar The Incredibles 2: Secret Identities, writer Christos Gage, artist Jean Claudio Vinci and colorist Dan Jackson, comes Disney/PIXAR The Incredibles 2: Slow Burn. Dash is known for one thing: Speed. From fighting evil…

Amazing Spider-Man: Edge of Spider-Geddon – Jed Mackay, Gerardo Sandoval, Lonnie Nadler, Zac Thompson, Gerard Way, Alberto Albuquerque, Jason Latour, Tonci Zonjic, Aaron Kuder, Wlil Robson, Christos Gage, Mike Hawthorne & Mark Bagley (Panini / Marvel)

When is an Amazing Spider-Man book not an Amazing Spider-Man book? That might sound like some cheap cryptic riddle that’s been snatched out of the closing pages of a newsstand puzzle compendium or the opening…