Stand For Something Or Die For Nothing was what an old mate of mine who went on to join the US Marines used to say when raising a glass and it’s stuck with me ever since I first heard him say it back in a dive bar in Honesdale, Pennsylvania in 1992. And listening to Stand…, the first album from the Street Dogs in, well, in a while anyways, made a tsunami of good memories from a fun, punk rock and beer filled reckless summer come flooding back. The Street Dogs have always been about high energy, anthemic, street punk’n’roll and Stand is a riotous return to form. And it’s almost certainly why they’ve been quiet on the release front for a while because it takes time to write a record full of songs that are this good. Mike McColgan, Johnny Rioux and company should be holding their heads high, because the boys did good. Oh yes, they did really, really good. Grab a beer, stick Stand For Something Or Die For Nothing on your stereo, crank the volume all the way up and sing-a-long until your voice gives out and when it does, just turn the volume up a little higher and do it all over again… Tim Cundle
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