This is the debut EP from Serbian band Nagön and these four songs don\’t just announce their arrival, they roll it up in a barbed wire fist and ram it in your face. The blurb for the release mentions that this record was cooked up in a rusty bowl with a selection of unhealthy ingredients and they\’ve got the description spot on. I would add that the kitchen will have been burning hot, as if their guitar amps were left on for any longer they would have started to melt.
The guitar and bass feature a sound so distorted that there must be smoke coming out of them. Couple this with a lo-fi sound and you have something of a brutal cocktail of hardcore-tinged punk rock. Featuring ex members of Hitman, who I recall released a split record with Balkan hardcore legends Last Hope over 15 years ago, these are seasoned veterans with many years of experience under their rusty bullet belts, and you can hear that on Repulsive & Deadly. Hard, fast and raw, you\’ll be running low on energy after blasting this out of the stereo a couple of times, believe me. Tom Chapman
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