I was fortunate enough to see these chaps play with Negative Approach in Birmingham not so long ago and while it’s impossible to blow the Detroit destruction machine off stage, King of Pigs HC came tantalisingly close to achieving what no-one else could. They came close to besting John Brannon and is comrades in arms. I remember thinking “Hot diggity damn, we’ve got a contender here”, as the hairs on the back of my arms stood on end when these Nottinghamshire maniacs catapulted me straight back to 1988 with their furious, unrelenting, blistering, hyper-speed Hardcore. Fusing Ripcord, Poison Idea and Discharge, King of Pigs rally against the horrors of war and the futility of giving in to and accepting mainstream thought, while extoling the virtues of individuality and free thought and blast through the eighteen tracks on Fear Remains in less time than it takes a pot of coffee to brew*. And what’s more, they even throw in a cover of GG Allin’s Bite It You Scum, and they make it sound good, something that Kevin could never quite do during his brief, fucked up life. Bow before your Kings… Tim Cundle
*It’s true. I did the whole timing thing. And then I played Fear Remains again while drinking said pot of coffee.
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