Artcore is one of the last standing print zines in existence and the quality of the zine has been consistently good for over 30 years. Featuring the usual mixture of old (Subhumans’ Dick Lucas, Hudley Flipside & Exit Condition), new (Game, Drunken Marksmen, Tied Down, Open Wounds and Total Massacre), in depth (Canadian Punk in the 70s and 80s) and something a little bit different (an excellent piece on the ‘79 Mod Revival by former Shutdown/36 Strategies and current Diaz Brothers guitarist Neil Cox) along with some suitably (and not surprising given the name) impressive artwork (Gustav Dore, Raphael Edwards amongst others) and over 100 reviews mixing positive enthusiasm with acerbic putdowns. The interviews follow the same pattern that they always have – mixing up the political with the personal which, while getting to the meat of the matter, feels reassuringly familiar (like spinning ‘Plastic Surgery Disasters’ every once in a while).
The accompanying 7” is 3 song EP by Houston band MyDolls. A name I’ve come across in HC lore but never heard before, so I was looking forward to finally checking them out. Featuring Nova Grows Up, The/Rapist and In Technicolor with new artwork it’s a post-punk gem (think Magazine/The Pop Group/Gang of Four etc.). Here’s to the Big 40. Ian Pickens
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