In a world where magic is real, the M-Forcers seek out and destroy all magic users due to their “danger” to society. The campaign started by Matthew Hopkins in 1644 has continues unabated into modern times. Now Callum McGuire, newly recruited M-Forcer, discovers he isn’t who he thinks he is. In order to find truth, Callum must decide which side he’s on and either to reject or embrace his destiny.
Arcana is a high-paced, twisted novel full of intrigue, tension, and flat-out fear. The characters are magic, even those without the skills to perform the rites and spells of the underground group from which this book takes its name. This isn’t your run-of-the- mill page turner: rather it is the kind of tale from which you have to forcibly tear yourself away from, knowing you need at least a few hours of sleep for work the next day. This is damn fine work, though nothing less than I have come to expect from the venerable Paul Kane. Jim Dodge
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