Amazing Spider-Man: Full Circle – Jonathan Hickman, Gerry Duggan, Jason Aaron, Nick Spencer, Al Ewing, Kelly Thompson, Chip Zdarsky, Chris Bachalo, Greg Smallwood, Michael Allred, Valerio Schiti, Cameron Stewart, Mark Bagley, Rachael Stott & Chris Sprouse (Panini / Marvel)


There’s a nifty idea, and an underused literary staple, behind Full Circle that could have, in the hands of lesser authors, gone horribly wrong. Thankfully though, the ensemble responsible for this book all have well-earned places at the head table in the pantheon of comic book writers. I mean, seriously come on, just look at that list of names – Kelly Thompson? Al Ewing? Gerry Duggan? Chip Zdarsky? Nick Spencer? They’re like my who’s who of writers, and then there are the artists, ninety percent of whom make me go weak at the knees whenever I see their work.  I honestly feel like Marvel was reading my mind when they came up with the concept for this book and the put all of the wheels into motion with me, and only me, in mind.

An engrossing and absorbing story that revolves around each of the authors writing a chapter that picks up where the previous one left off, drives the narrative forward and ends on a cliff-hanger that makes the absolute most out of its land speed record plot that involves space werewolves, time travel, extinction theory and the chain of causality, Full Circle is a smash mouth, humdinger of a tale that’ll keep you glued to its pages from the first panel to the last.  It’s a single sitting book that looks every bit as good as you hope it will given the list of talent responsible for breathing life into it, that reinforces the idea that life is meant to be lived, savoured and enjoyed and that every second and each moment is just as important as the ones that preceded and follow them. Books like Full Circle remind me why I fell in love with comics in the first place and why, as a story-telling medium, they’re more important than they’ve ever been.  Thank-you Spidey… Tim Cundle

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