The debut issue of this new series really sucked me in a few weeks back and issue two does not disappoint. There’s a really nice sense of a classic detective drama in this book but it goes much further than that. It also stretches into the world of sci-fi and comedy. When a serious moment is playing out, it’s backed up by a comedic moment from Detective Greene who is trying desperately to solve their current murder case while also desperately trying to understand humans on a daily basis. If there was anything I could ask for more of in this book is to see more of Greene’s relationship with his cat. It’s purely hilarious and entertaining. Fayez is proving to be a tough, no nonsense cop so far and I hope that continues to develop in future issues. Again the script and art is on point and the colour palettes really bring this book to life. Here’s to reading a lot more Weird Detective… Drew Hamley
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