The Best There Is At What They Do Take On Wolverine In Black, White And Blood!


LOGAN. PATCH. WEAPON X. WOLVERINE. The mysterious mutant has gone by many names and lived many different lives. Now, experience him unleashed in his most ferocious stories ever crafted. Beginning in November, WOLVERINE: BLACK, WHITE & BLOOD will feature Wolverine’s wildest adventures. New tales of the best there is all packed together in unadulterated black and white format told through the lens of an all-star cast of creators!

The blood starts to flow in WOLVERINE: BLACK, WHITE & BLOOD #1. Return to the Weapon X program with Gerry Duggan and Adam Kubert, and encounter a new revelation from Wolverine’s shattered memories. Then, join Matthew Rosenberg and Joshua Cassara on an explosive deep-cover spy mission from Wolverine’s association with NICK FURY. After that, head into the wilds with writer/artist Declan Shalvey as Logan finds himself in the crossfire of a deadly trap!

This is the one you’ve been waiting for, bub. Head over to now for an exclusive look at interior pages from the explosive first issue and hear what creators had to say about working on WOLVERINE: BLACK, WHITE & BLOOD!

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