Date Night On Monster Island!
Deadpool’s newest mercenary job has him going after the King of Monsters, who has claimed a new kingdom for his monstrous subjects…on Staten Island! But you know what they say, when you come at the…
Deadpool’s newest mercenary job has him going after the King of Monsters, who has claimed a new kingdom for his monstrous subjects…on Staten Island! But you know what they say, when you come at the…
Nothing lasts forever. All good things eventually come to an end, and even though they’ve reaced the final stop on their odd-couple, best buds, foiling evil wherever they find it, roadtrip and team-up Spidey and…
Tragedy and comedy are flipsides of the same coin. A coin held in balance by Deadpool, the sad clown with a penchant for violence and a healing factor that just won’t let him die regardless…
Roll up, roll up folks, it’s the battle to the bitter end that no-one ever thought they’d see, the fight to finish between genuine royalty, the King of Wakanda and the never say die, doesn’t…
The name’s Wilson, Wade Wilson. Or is it Jace Burn, suave secret agent and super-spy? After a botched job involving a prized tiny horse, Deadpool finds himself somewhat financially challenged and agrees to take a…
With all of the paradigm shifting, world altering craziness that Wade has been through in the last couple of years or so, something had to give. And it did. Following his self-imposed mind wipe*, Deadpool…
When last we left our oddest of odd couples, they were facing a potentially world ending crisis instigated by Chameleon, an artificial intelligence and the legions of LMD’s* who had flocked to cause and would…
How do you make Deadpool even better than he already is? I have no idea how you’d do it for most folks, but for a life-long Dungeons and Dragons and TSR fanatic like myself, the…
Wade’s gone and got the band back together and with his right hand man, Weasel, by his side again, they’re getting the big scores and ridding the world of bad guys, one contract at a…
How do you make Deadpool even better than he already is? I have no idea how you’d do it for most folks, but for a life-long Dungeons and Dragons and TSR fanatic like myself, the…
Before parenthood and what now seems like a lifetime ago, I worked in PR and was paid to come up with attention grabbing headlines whose sole function was to get writers to focus on…
He’s killed the Universe, and now in an unhinged attempt to find some peace of mind and a modicum of “justice” for the countless souls that he’s dispatched along the way, in a semi-psychotic, it’d…