Named, I suspect in tribute to Ignite, Our Darkest Days follow a similar path to the one ploughed by Zoli Teglas and company; and anyone who travels that road is more than okay in my book. While musically they travel in similar circles to Ignite, their overall sound has a little more metal in it and lies somewhere between the aforementioned Orange County Hardcore powerhouse and Strung Out, being built around immediate, lightning quick riffing, rhythms and times changes and as infectious as Ebola anthems. The real revelation here though is singer Vince Fournier, who shares the same range and power as Zoli and there are moments during this record when you swear you’re listening to the latter. And when Vince let’s rip with his full throttle vocal attack, he makes you want to sing-a-long with every damn word. If you’re tired of waiting for a new Ignite record and you miss Strung Out’s glory days, then you need to check these guys out. They just might be your new favourite band… Tim Cundle
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