Some infinitely wiser than me fellow once said that you should try everything once and never being one to ignore rational advice, and just a mere three decades after they first released their first record, thanks to the arrival of their brand new album The Fabulous New Sounds Of… I finally spent some time in the company of King Prawn. I’m guessing that right about now you’re asking yourself how anyone could have NOT heard King Prawn in the quarter century that they’ve been doing their thing and I wish I had an answer that made any sort of sense. It’s not like I’ve been avoiding them or anything, it’s just that, up until now, our paths have never crossed. And right about now, after spending a couple of hours with The Fabulous New Sounds Of… I kind of wish that I’d made more of an effort to catch up with them.
Hitting like a frantic head on collision between The Specials, Urban Dance Squad and Bad Brains, King Prawn are masters of the whole ska infused dub punk thing and boy oh boy, do these chaps know how to write a catchy, toe tapping tune. From the opening mosh happy beats of Numeration Dub through to the closing chords of album finale Black Beads, King Prawn don’t miss a beat, don’t put a foot wrong and don’t miss an opportunity to throw sing-a-long chorus after sing-a-long chorus at you. As heavy on the horn section as it is on the Hammond organ and guitars, The Fabulous New Sounds Of… is the sort of record that makes you, and by you I mean me, throw caution to the wind and bust out all of your worst and most embarrassing dad dance moves and get down with your bad self all day long. Which is nice… Tim Cundle
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