One of the very few advantages to being a forty something year old HC “kid” is that I can remember the “halcyon” days of the late eighties NYHC scene; and Friend or Foe’s latest record (their third EP), catapulted me straight back to those stage diving, mosh happy golden years. They hit hard, they hit fast and come straight at you like a freight train powered by Maximum Penalty, Killing Time, Breakdown, Outburst and Uppercut, whose driver has spent a decade listening to nothing but Sheer Terror. In fact, these tracks would feel right at home on Blackout’s seminal Where the Wild Things Are compilation; and if you’d told me that they’d originally been recorded for that album before I’d read the one sheet, I might just have believed you. And apart from the strangely out of place vocal melody in the chorus of True which saps a little of the songs power, all five tunes would have had the pit raging out of control at any of CBGB’s Sunday Matinees. It’s finger pointing good… Tim Cundle
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