With the success of Guardians of the Galaxy in the movie world, it is no surprise that we will see a refreshed drive for space based stories in the industry where GOTG were born. Bounty is light, colourful, entertaining and shows a lot of promise. The art is bubbly and helps depict a universe of creatures as well as humans all thriving. The story is not too far away from the likes of GOTG with a team of intergalactic bounty hunters lead by two sisters who themselves are hiding from the authorities for crimes they themselves have committed. There were one or two moments that I felt confused on my first read when a character crossed over into a digital world of hacking where I found it difficult to differentiate from that of the intergalactic universe Weibe was striving to set up.
But once I wrapped my brain around that part of the plot, the story fell into place. Lee’s artistic style is vibrant and full cartoonesque feel which is quite refreshing. The cities present in the story and interior of the team’s spaceship offer an almost claustrophobic nature that you would expect to feel when visiting somewhere like Japan. Oler’s colour schemes are rich and vibrant throughout which lends to this positive overtone within the story. There is a sense of teamwork between the characters that clearly have a history together and I look forward to seeing that level of closeness becoming more of a theme when the odds are stacked against them in future issues… Drew Hamley
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