While we wait for the final album from Cancerslug, Alex Story (Cancerslug, Doyle) and Cassie Roya Baher (Cancerslug, Devils Teef) gift us with their sleazy blues rock album A Darker Shade of Love. As is usual with any release from Mr. Story I bought it immediately and have been listening to it constantly since. This is not just another CS release, it’s a collaboration between Alex and Cassie that takes them into previously uncharted realms of musical majesty. For the first time ever, Cassie plays drums on a recording and she does a great job of feeling out the songs and giving them just the right background. Since she also plays bass she gets the daunting task of laying down the rhythms and she nails it. With Alex singing and playing guitar we get a collection of songs that truly fit the album’s title. These songs are dark and are only love songs if you have a twisted outlook on life. I do and I love it! This collaboration puts me in mind of Alex’s acoustic work and also the post-Acid Bath solo work from Dax Riggs. If you’re a fan of Cancerslug, Alex Story and Dax Riggs you should fall immediately, irrevocably in love with A Darker Shade of Love. Jim Dodge
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